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Who is Vince?


Here are a few pictures of Shadow, who turns out to be amazingly hard to capture on film and to scan for the web. As you can see in these baby shots, many cameras have a hard time auto-focusing on her, possibly because of the black fur.

Shadow grew up in a construction site, and I suspect her upbringing helped to make her an easy to care for pet. Construction workers apparently have no problem scolding dogs that aren't well mannered. Of course, this has its disadvantages as well since she is now an adept at wheedling food even from tough customers.

In the next baby picture, you see Shadow with one of her siblings (Shadow's the one looking into the camera). Unfortunately for them, her siblings were much braver than Shadow. This meant they would venture out from their lair more often and bark defiantly at strangers, including animal control officers. As far as I know, all of Shadows brothers and sisters were captured except for one sister who was taken in by Fion's boss Henry.



Before The Accident, Fion asked Henry to take her in too, but as he already had too many he couldn't do it. Lucky for us!

In the last photo, you see Shadow in her favourite pose. Actually, on a sunny day in Hong Kong at a dusty construction site, you'd probably lie down too if you weren't allowed into the air conditioned site office (or being to work).
